Our dogs love frisbees more than anything. Hard frisbees were cheap, but as soon as they got slobbery, they collected a lot of dirt and didn’t fly right. And as soon as our dogs began chewing on them, then they really became worthless. Not to mention the bloody mouths that ensued.

So, we bought every soft frisbee we could find. That solved the problem of the bloody gums, and the frisbees being flexible helped shed the dirt, sand, etc so they still flew correctly. But there was still the issue of having to pick up and throw these disgusting messes. And of course there’s still all the people who can’t throw a frisbee to save their life.

So we set about inventing something that would allow us to pick up and easily throw a soft frisbee without touching it. It needed to be durable, without any moving parts to break, ambidextrous (we wanted to include the “lefties” out there), and simple enough that anyone without frisbee-throwing experience could use it.

After we had our initial design, we began countless rounds of revisions. We researched and tested the best, most durable materials, and began looking for factories that specialized in complex plastic injection molding and durable dog toy production.

After receiving a patent for picking up and throwing a frisbee without touching it, we began production, built a website, and Fido Flyer was born!